Thursday, April 2, 2015

Mr. Fluffy's Story: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are used to treat Seizures and Back Pain in a Rabbit

A happy, healthy Mr. Fluffy
 Mr. Fluffy, about 4 years old, male Angora rabbit.

He had been experiencing seizures for more than 3 years when he first started seeing Dr. Nell. They were occurring 4-5 times per year and were mainly triggered by stress, especially when the owner tried to groom or trim his haircoat. Before the seizures occurred, he would begin twitching and scratching himself. The intensity would build until he had a full grand mal seizure. The patient was being treated with Metacam (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication used commonly for musculoskeletal pain and discomfort) and his owner felt that there was a positive response because he seemed to feel better.  

Conventional/Western: Mr. Fluffy was bright and alert on physical exam. He was reactive to palpation (applied pressure) of the area around L2/L3 vertebrae. He had some urine scald on his back feet because he was reluctant to move and would sit in the same place after urinating.  Mentation and reflexes were normal. He was eating a well-rounded diet and stools were normal. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)/Eastern: Mr. Fluffy has been recently adopted by his current owner. The patient did not like to be around other rabbits. He was territorial and marked his surroundings frequently. He is dominant with other rabbits. He is relaxed and easy going when he is only with his owner. However, he becomes stressed and seizures when she attempts to groom him. His conjunctiva are more red than expected. He is sensitive to palpation of the acupuncture point BL 23 on both sides. 
His tongue is pale pink and his pulses are deep, weak and thin. If the owner brings him water he will drink a lot. Appetite and stools are normal. Energy level seems low, but his owner reports that he is a low energy bunny and this may be normal for him. 

Conventional/Western: Low-back pain, possible arthritisand/or IVDD (intervertebral disc disease), Secondary urine scald (sores on feet), Seizures

Mr. Fluffy waits patiently while his needles work!
TCM/Eastern: Kidney Yin Deficiency and Liver Yin Deficiency leading to Liver Yang Rising.
Stagnation in the Bladder Channel, possible Phlegm or Bony Bi Syndrome.
Explanation of TCM diagnosis: 
Rabbits are inherently Yin animals and they are predisposed to Yin disturbances or deficiencies. Low back pain and increased thirst are signs of Kidney deficiency. When the Kidney Yin is deficient, it fails to nourish the Liver and the Liver may become deficient and angry. Then, the Liver Yang begins to rise, stirring an Internal Wind along the way, which rises to the head and results in a seizure episode.  
When the Liver is deficient, it is not able to move the Blood and Qi smoothly through the body resulting in Qi stagnation. Qi stagnation in the body may manifest as low energy and in the channels or muscles, as discomfort or pain. When Qi stagnates for too long in the channels, arthritis will eventually develop. This type of arthritis, with bony changes, is termed Bony Bi Syndrome.

Mr. Fluffy's Laser Treatment
Acupuncture points were needled to enhance the smooth flow of energy and blood through the body, to calm the spirit, and to thereby decrease the chance of seizure episodes. Points were also chosen to relieve stagnation or pain in the area of the low back.  Acupuncture was performed every 2 weeks for 3 treatments, then every 3 weeks for 3 treatments. The patient’s symptoms are currently maintained with acupuncture every 3 months or once per season. 

A Chinese Herbal formula, Calm Repose by Kan Herb, was prescribed based on the same treatment principles used during acupuncture. ***It is important to note that not all seizures are caused by the same problem or pattern. Thus, the herbal formula that was used for Mr. Fluffy’s seizures may not be the best formula for other pets experiencing similar signs.  Please seek veterinary advice if your pet is suffering from seizures or experiencing discomfort. 

Therapeutic laser was utilized on the areas of urine scald to speed healing.  The laser was also used on the lumbar spine to relieve pain and inflammation. 

Mr. Fluffy has been seizure-free since beginning acupuncture and the herbal formula! He is currently symptom free with a fantastic quality of life and receives acupuncture every 3 months and stays on his herbal formula in order to maintain his wellbeing, to prevent recurrence of the seizures, and to delay the onset of arthritis.  

I would like to thank Mr. Fluffy and his dedicated owner for their participation and for allowing me to use and build upon my knowledge of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. 

***Click here to have a special look at Mr. Fluffy's owner's perspective, featured in The Rabbit Advocate Spring Newsletter***

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