Thursday, July 10, 2014

Giardia - Not Your Every Day Parasite!

Giardia can be passed pet-to-pet, pet-to-person and person-to-person
Giardia is a one-celled protozoan parasite that lives in the intestines of people and animals. To protect themselves, the Giardia grow "cysts" around their bodies and can live happily outside a host for months. Once they've found another host, the Giardia shed their "cysts" to live and multiply.

Giardia is spread through ingestion of contaminated water or food and through feces. Virtually any body of water can contain Giardia (lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, municipal water supplies, wells, cisterns, pools, waterparks, spas, and ground and surface water in the city) so it's imperative to make sure you and your pets are consuming clean water at all times. This can be difficult when traveling, or out on an adventure.

Nijel is now a happy and healthy dog!
Nijel was first diagnosed with Giardia as a puppy during a routine fecal check. After testing positive, he started taking an antibiotic to rid his body of the parasite. A few weeks later his fecal sample was re-tested and the doctor noticed he was still infected and shedding the parasite. Nijel's owner reported concern that he was eating feces - especially his own. The behavior was discussed and after a few creative tactics to teach him not to eat poop, and another round of medication, Nijel is now Giardia free!

Many cases of Giardia and other parasites, like Nijel's, are found during routine fecal checks. We recommend every pet get a fecal exam annually to make sure your pets are staying parasite-free! 

If you are suspicious that your pet has been infected with Giardia, schedule an examination to discuss with a veterinarian, and be sure to practice your best personal hygiene to prevent yourself from being infected!

At Lombard Animal Hospital, in Portland, Oregon we strive to increase the quality of life for pets and their people through education, 
nutrition and wellness!
Give us a call -- We'd love to see you and your pets!