Since we’d had such a great experience with this, we brought our 8 year old cat, Max, in to see her this December. He’d seemed to have gotten into a fight (we later figured out that he might have been picked up by an owl and then dropped, as he is a very big boy!). He had a sore place on his head that was healing, but mostly he was terrified. He was hiding all over the house. He didn’t want anyone to see him. He would eventually snuggle with our son, but rather than the happy confident cat he had formerly been, he just lay like a big furry lump on our son. He was so scared that he was acting like a real zombie; he walked into furniture and onto our dog, as if he wasn’t seeing. We thought he might have optic nerve damage. We took him to see Dr. Nell. She gave him 3 acupuncture treatments, an adrenal tonic, and some flower essences. After the 3rd one, he was back to his old sassy self. He is now a very cuddly but independent old lover boy, just like he always was.
We have since recommended her care to many other people. Both my husband and myself are natural health care practitioners and it is really comforting to find someone who can do for animals what we might do for people. – Jo Ellen
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