Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I sat down with Dr. Preston and asked the top 5 most-asked questions by you! Let's see what he had to say about dental procedures and your pets!

  1. What are the risks of anesthesia?
There are many risks to anesthesia, all of which are reduced by a pre-op exam, pre-op lab work, current anesthetic protocols, IV catheter and fluids throughout the procedure, and monitoring by pet nurses and machines.

  1. My pet is docile and cooperative, do they need anesthesia?
In order to perform a thorough dental prophylaxis, including: a complete oral exam, periodontal probing, oral X-rays, and to remove plaque and tartar from your pet's teeth as well as below the gum line, full anesthesia is required. This requirement also falls under American Animal Hospital Association guidelines.

  1. How can I help keep my pet's teeth clean between professional cleanings?
The most effective way for dogs is to brush their teeth (see How-To video), you can also use chewing as a modality. We recommend Antlerz, pizzles, tracheas, and Kong toys. Most cats will not tolerate tooth-brushing, we recommend chew treats for cats.

  1. Do I need to stay home with my pet after their dental cleaning?
At least for a few hours, to make sure they recover fully from the anesthesia. If, by the next morning, they are eating and drinking and behaving normally, it's okay to leave them home alone. We also provide a courtesy post-op phone call the morning after your pet's procedure to check progress.

  1. Will my pet be able to eat after their dental cleaning?
Yes. Even after extractions, most pets will be able to eat their normal diet, moistened dry food or canned food upon arriving home.

If you have further questions for Dr. Preston, Dr. Nell or Dr. Ross,
 please call to schedule an appointment today! 

At Lombard Animal Hospital, in Portland, Oregon we strive to increase the quality of life for pets and their people through education, 
nutrition and wellness!
Give us a call -- We'd love to see you and your pets!


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dental Support Supplements

To keep with the theme of "National Dental Month" we at Lombard Animal Hospital would like to introduce you to some Dental Support Supplements that can assist with your pet's oral hygiene. 

PerioPlus Dental Chews and Perio Support Powder are natural supplements designed to support your pet's periodontal health which leads to improved overall health. Both supplements contain: zeolites- unique minerals that prevent plaque from forming and sticking to teeth; antioxidants to support gum tissue and reduce undesirable bacteria; taurine and zinc, which also support gum tissue; friendly bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus and enterococcus faecium, which assist in restoring bacterial balance inside the mouth.

PerioPlus Dental Chews are chicken liver-flavored, given as a treat to your cat. The crunchy outside polishes the teeth while the chewy inside helps neutralize odors.

Perio Support Powder is just that - a powder to sprinkle on your pet's food, assisting in polishing your pet's teeth.

You can find these and other natural supplements at
 Lombard Animal Hospital
607 NE Lombard St
Portland, OR 97211